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柴威,教授,博士生导师,湖北省、湖南省高层次人才计划入选者;博士毕业于挪威科技大学海洋工程系,师从挪威皇家科学与文学院院士、挪威技术科学院院士Arvid Naess教授和挪威技术科学院院士Bernt J. Leira教授。

近年来发表学术论文90余篇,发表SCI期刊论文40(一作或通讯论文20余篇)EI检索论文30篇;主持国家自然科学基金1项,主研国际合作项目2项,省级人才类项目2项;担任湖北省自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金评审专家、广东省科技厅项目评审专家,国家留学基金委通讯评审专家;担任《水动力学研究与进展》副主编,Journal of Hydrodynamics、《中国舰船研究》编委,China Ocean Engineering青年编委,中国力学学会高级会员,受邀为Marine Structures, Ocean Engineering30SCI检索期刊以及10余本中文期刊审稿130余篇,参加OMAEPRADSESRELSTAB等船舶与海洋工程领域著名国际会议并做学术报告10余次;申请/授权发明专利10余项,指导学生参加科创比赛并多次获得国家级与省部级奖励。























[1]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Naess Arvid, et al. Development of Environmental Contours for First-year Ice Ridge Statistics, Structural Safety(SCI, IF : 5.712, JCR分区Q1), 2020, Vol. 87: 1019906 (极地船舶,结构可靠性).

[2]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J. Environmental contours based on inverse SORM,Marine Structures(SCI, IF:4.500, JCR分区Q1), 2018, Vol 60: 34-51 (结构可靠性,极地船舶).

[3]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J. et al. Statistics of Thickness and Properties of First-year Ice along the Northern Sea Route, Journal of Marine Science and Technology(SCI, IF: 1.947, JCR分区Q2), 2021, Vol. 26(2): 331-343(北极航道).

[4]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Naess Arvid. Probabilistic methods for estimation of the extreme value statistics of ship ice loads, Cold Regions Science and Technology (SCI, IF: 4.427, JCR分区Q1), 2018, Vol 146: 87-97 (极地船舶,结构可靠性).

[5]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Naess Arvid. Short-term extreme ice loads prediction and fatigue damage evaluation for an icebreaker, Ships and Offshore Structures(SCI, IF: 1.934, JCR分区Q2), 2018, Vol 13 Supp1: 127-137 (极地船舶,结构可靠性).

[6]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Chai Wei*, Leira Bernt J. et al. Ice Rose Diagrams for Probabilistic Characterization of the Ice Drift Behavior in the Beaufort Sea,Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2022 (通讯作者,极地工程)

[7]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Chai Wei*, Leira Bernt J. et al. Uncertainty Assessments of Structural Loading due to First Year Ice Based on the ISO Standard by using Monte-Carlo Simulation, Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2020, Vol. 198: 106935 (通讯作者,极地工程)

[8]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei*, et al. Short-term Extreme Mooring Loads Prediction and Fatigue Damage Evaluation for Station-Keeping Trials in Ice, Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2021, Vol. 242: 109930 (通讯作者,极地工程).

[9] Sinsabvarodom Chana , Leira Bernt , Høyland K V, Naess Arvid,Chai Wei. A generalized ice drift spectrum based on measurements in the Beaufort Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2024, 296: 116832 (极地工程).

[10]Leira Bernt J.*, Chai Wei*, Radhakrishnan, G. On Characteristics of Ice Ridges and Icebergs for Design of Ship Hulls in Polar Regions Based on Environmental Design Contours, Applied Sciences(SCI, IF: 2.838, JCR分区Q2), 2021, Vol. 11(12): 5749 (通讯作者,极地船舶,结构可靠性).

[11] Sinsabvarodom Chana, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei. Extreme Value Estimation of Beaufort Sea Ice Dynamics driven by Global Wind Effects, China Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 1.253, JCR分区Q4), 2022, Vol. 36 (4): 532-541 (极地工程).

[12]何林,柴威*,余象鹏,.极地船舶冰载荷随机特性研究,船舶力学, 2023, EI检索(极地船舶,学生一作)

[13]Chai Wei, Qi Jianzhang, Leira Bernt, et al. Extreme value analysis of ship roll motion with consideration of the ice accumulation. 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2024), EI待检索, 2024 (极地船舶)

[14] Bian Anqi, Chai Wei, Dong Haibo, et al. Structural safety analysis of an icebreaker ramming sea ice with extreme thickness along the NSR. 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2024), EI待检索, 2024 (极地船舶,学生一作)

[15] Huang Yuexiang, Chai Wei, Zeng Jiayan. Probabilistic Methods for Estimation of the Extreme Air Temperature Along the Northern Sea Route, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2023), EI检索, 2023, (北极航道,学生一作).

[16] Sinsabvarodom Chana, Leira Bernt J., Hoyland Knunt, Chai Wei, et al. Development of the environmental contours for ice drift speed and wind speed. 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2024), EI待检索, 2024 (极地工程)

[17]Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei, Radhakrishnan, G. On design parameters for accidental ice loads on ship hulls. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2022), EI检索, 2022, 极地船舶.

[18]Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei. On Correlation and Underlying Physics, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2019), EI检索, 2019 (极地工程).

[19]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Sinsabvarodom Chana, Shi Wei. Estimation of Ice Conditions along the Northern Sea route, 14th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS2019), EI检索, 2019(北极航道).

[20] Sinsabvarodom Chana, Leira Bernt J., Hoyland Knunt, Chai Wei, et al. On the Relationship Between Spectral Models of Ice Drift and Wind Turbulence, 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2023), EI待检索, 2023 (极地工程).

[21]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei, et al. Probabilistic Fatigue Assessemnt of Mooring Line Based on Station-keeping Trails in Ice, 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2021), EI检索, 2021 (极地工程).

[22]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei, et al. Extreme Values Estimation of Mooring Loads on a Ship Based on Station-keeping Trails in Ice, 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2020), EI检索, 2020 (极地工程).

[23]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., et al. Probabilistic Assessment of Ice Rose Diagrams for Ice Drift in the Beaufort Sea, 25th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC 2019), EI检索, 2019 (极地工程).

[24]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Sinsabvarodom Chana. Environmental Contours for Design of Ice-capable Vessels, 28th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2018), EI检索, 2018 (极地船舶).

[25]Sinsabvarodom Chana, Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., et al. Probabilistic Analysis of Ice and Sloping Structure Interaction Based on ISO Standard by using Monte Carlo Simulation, 13th International Maritime Design Conference (IMDC 2018), EI检索, 2018 (极地工程).

[26]Hahn Malte, Dankowski Hendrik, Ehlers Sørens, Erceg Sandro, Rung Thomas, Huisman Michael, Sjøblom Henrik, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei. Numerical Prediction of ship-ice interaction: a project presentation, 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2017), EI检索, 2017 (极地船舶).


[1]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Stochastic dynamic analysis and reliability of a vessel rolling in random beam seas, Journal of Ship Research(SCI检索), 2015, Vol. 59(2): 113-131 (船舶稳性).

[2]Chai Wei. Reliability evaluation of the roll motion under the wind and irregular beam waves, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science(SCI, IF: 4.803, JCR分区Q1), 2016, Vol. 1(2): 149-156 (船舶稳性).

[3]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Stochastic nonlinear ship rolling in random seas by the path integration method, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (SCI, IF: 2.954, JCR分区Q1), 2016, Vol. 44: 43-52 (随机理论,船舶稳性).

[4]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Filter models for prediction of stochastic ship roll response, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics(SCI, IF: 2.954, JCR分区Q1), 2015, Vol 41: 104-114 (随机理论,船舶稳性).

[5]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Stochastic dynamic analysis for a vessel with nonlinear damping models and initial heeling angles in random beam seas, Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2016, Vol. 120: 202-211 (船舶稳性).

[6]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J., Bulian Gabriele. Efficient Monte Carlo simulation and Grim effective wave model for predicting the extreme response of a vessel rolling in random head seas, Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2016, Vol. 123: 191-203 (船舶稳性).

[7]Chai Wei, Dostal Leo, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. A comparative study of the stochastic averaging method and the path integration method for the nonlinear roll motion in random beam seas, Journal of Marine Science and Technology (SCI, IF: 1.947, JCR分区Q2), 2018, Vol 23: 845-865 (随机理论,船舶稳性).

[8]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Long-term extreme response and reliability of a vessel rolling in random seas, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering(SCI, IF: 1.760, JCR分区Q3), 2018, Vol 140(1): 011601 (船舶稳性).

[9] Qi J, Hao Y, Chai W*. Failure Analysis on Wave Compensator and Hull Structure of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) Under Medium-Long Period Wave[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis(SCI, IF: 4.0, JCR分区Q1), 2023: 107434 (通讯作者,学生一作)

[10]Cai Boao, Qiu Liaoyuan, Tian B, xxx, Chai Wei. Research on predicting methods of propeller-hull interactions in head waves[J]. Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2023, Vol. 269: 113493 (船舶水动力).

[11]Cai Boao, Tian Binbin, Qiu Liaoyuan, Xu Qing, Chai Wei, et al. Improvement of the efficiency for rim-driven thrusters through acceleration of gap flow[J]. Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2024, 291: 116480 (船舶水动力).

[12]Cai Boao, Xu Qing, Chai Wei*, et al. Simulation of the Interaction between Ship and Ducted Propeller with a Modified Body Force Method, Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2021, Vol. 249: 110950 (通讯作者,船舶水动力).

[13]Cai Boao, Tian Binbin, Qiu Liaoyuan, Xu Qing, He Wei, Chai Wei. Application of the body force method in the rim driven thruster,International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 2.538, JCR分区Q2), 2022, Vol. 14: 100476 (船舶水动力).

[14]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J., Dostal Leo. Comparative study of the path integration method and the stochastic averaging method for nonlinear roll motion in random beam seas, Procedia engineering, 2017, Vol. 199: 1110-1121, EI检索(随机理论).

[15]He Lin, Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., et al. Short-term analysis of ship capsizing probability in random seas, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2022), EI检索, 2022, (船舶稳性,学生一作)

[16]Cai Boao, Xu Qing, Qiu Liaoyuan, Tian Binbin, Qin Jiangtao, Chai Wei. Numerical Simulation of Ship Model Self-propulsion in Shallow Water. ISOPE 2022, EI检索

[17]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Long-term extreme response of ship rolling in random seas, 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2016), EI检索, 2016 (船舶稳性).

[18]Chai Wei, Naess Arvid, Leira Bernt J. Four-dimensional path integration method for estimating the stochastic roll response, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), EI检索, 2016 (随机理论).

[19]柴威,范菊,朱仁传,黄祥鹿,缪国平.应用路径积分法求解船舶横摇倾覆概率,上海交通大学学报, 2013, 47(2): 317-328, EI检索(船舶稳性)

[20]Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Naess Arvid. Stochastic dynamic analysis and reliability evaluation for a heeling vessel rolling in random beam seas, 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2015), EI检索, 2015.


[1]Cheng Zhengshun, Madsen Helge Aagaard, Chai Wei*, Gao Zhen, Moan Torgeir. A comparison of extreme structural response and fatigue damage of semi-submersible type floating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines, Renewable Energy (SCI, IF: 8.634, JCR分区Q1), 2017, Vol. 108: 207-219 (通讯作者,海洋可再生能源,结构可靠性).

[2]Liu Ting, Halse Karl H., Leira Bernt J., Jiang Zhiyu, Chai Wei*, et al. Dynamic responses of a SWATH vessel for installing pre-assembled offshore wind turbines, Marine Structures (SCI, IF:4.500, JCR分区Q1), 2023, Vol. 88: 103341 (通讯作者,海洋可再生能源).

[3] Chen Wei, Bao Yanxu, Chai Wei*, et al. Investigation of the combined effect of control rods and forced rotation on a cylinder[J]. Physics of Fluids(SCI, IF: 4.6, JCR分区Q1), 2023 (通讯作者,海洋工程水动力).

[4]Shi Wei, Hu Leihan, Lin Zaibin, Wu Jun, Chai Wei*. Short-term motion prediction of floating offshore wind turbine based on Muti-input LSTM neural network, Ocean Engineering (SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2023 (通讯作者,海洋可再生能源).

[5]Yuan Kuilin, Jin Hongyi, Chai Wei. Development of a new spectral method for fatigue damage assessment in bimodal and trimodal Gaussian random processes,Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2023, Vol. 267: 113273 (海洋工程结构可靠性).

[6]Qu Xiaoqi, Li Yan, Tang Yougang, Chai Wei, Gao Zhen. Comparative study of short-term extreme responses and fatigue damages of a floating wind turbine using two different blade models, Applied Ocean Research(SCI, IF: 3.761, JCR分区Q2), 2020, Vol. 97: 102088 (海洋可再生能源)

[7]Qing Mengfei, Shi Wei, Chai Wei, et al. Extreme structural response prediction and fatigue damage evaluation for large-scale monopile offshore wind turbines subject to typhoon conditions, Renewable Energy (SCI, IF: 8.634, JCR分区Q1), 2023 (海洋可再生能源,结构可靠性).

[8] Li Ran, Gong Jie, Chen Wei*, Chai Wei, et al. Numerical Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Rotating Cylinder near a Plane Wall, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (SCI, IF: xxx, JCR分区Q1), 2023 (海洋工程水动力).

[9]Haselsteiner Andreas F., Coe Ryan G., Manuel Lance, Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., Clarindo Guilherme, Soares C. Guedes, Hannesdóttir Ásta, Dimitrov Nikolay, Sander Aljoscha, Ohlendorf Jan-Hendrik, Thoben Klaus-Dieter, Hauteclocque Guillaume de, Mackay Ed, Jonathan Philip, Qiao Chi, Myers Andrew, Rode Anna, Hildebrandt Arndt, Schmidt Boso, Vanem Erik, Huseby Arne Bang. A benchmarking exercise for environmental contours, Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2021, 236: 109504 (环境等值线,国际联合).

[10]Fu Ping, Leira Bernt J., Myrhaug Dag, Chai Wei. Assessment of methods for short-term analysis of riser collision probability, Ocean Engineering(SCI, IF: 4.372, JCR分区Q1), 2021, 238: 109221 (海洋工程).

[11] Jiang Y, Cheng Z, Chen P, Chai Wei. Performance-scaled rotor design method for model testing of floating vertical axis wind turbines in wave basins[J]. Renewable Energy(SCI, IF: 8.634, JCR分区Q1), 2023: 119425.

[12] Gu Jian, Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Chai Wei, et al. Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Asymmetric Floating Phenomena of Uniform Bodies[J]. Polish Maritime Research, SCI检索, 2024, Vol 31: 16-23.

[13]Myrhaug Dag, Leira Bernt J., Chai Wei. Application of a sea surface roughness formula using joint statistics of significant wave height and spectral wave steepness,Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 2020, Vol. 6(1): 91-97, EI检索(波浪理论).

[14]何林,柴威*,杨龙霞,.非线性波浪载荷下自升式平台动力响应极值预报,中国造船, 2022, EI检索(结构可靠性,学生一作)

[15]曹林阳,何林,柴威*,. 15MW半潜式风机结构响应极值预报研究,太阳能学报, 2023, 录用, EI待检索(海洋可再生能源)

[16]张礼贤,施伟,李昕,柴威,甄春博.风冰联合作用下大型单桩海上风机动力特性,太阳能学报, 2021, 录用, EI待检索(海洋可再生能源)

[17]秦梦飞,施伟,柴威,付兴,李昕.台风过境下大型单桩式海上风机结构动力特性研究,力学学报, 2022, EI检索(海洋可再生能源)

[18]阎军,赵春雨,苏琦,柴威,.基于插值修正ACER的脐带缆响应短期极值预测方法研究,哈尔滨工程大学学报,录用, EI待检索

[19]Yu Xiangpeng, Chai Wei, Leira Bernt J., et al. Short-term extreme response prediction for a Jacket platform subjected to nonlinear wave loads, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2022), EI检索, 2022, (结构可靠性,学生一作).

[20] He Lin, Chai Wei, Gu Jian, et al. Extreme Value Prediction for the Dynamical Responses of a Semi-Submersible Platform in Harsh Environment, 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2024), EI检索, 2024 (海洋平台,结构可靠性).















[1] 20217月入选湖北省海外高层次人才计划;

[2] 20239月入选湖南省高层次人才计划;

[3] 202210月获评武汉理工大学优秀班主任;

[4] 20231月获评《中国舰船研究》优秀编委。


[1] 2023年指导研究生获评武汉理工大学优秀研究生毕业生;

[2] 2022年第九届中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛,全国三等奖;

[3] 2022年第十一届全国航行器设计与制作大赛二等奖(两项);

[4] 2022年第十三届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,湖北省金奖;

[5] 2022第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,湖北省铜奖

[6] 2022年第十四届武汉地区船舶与海洋工程研究生学术论坛,一等奖

[7] 2022年指导研究生获得国家奖学金








